Relationships with twin flames and soulmates are spiritual ones.
When you experience one of these magical connections, nothing else will satisfy you. Especially once you experience a connection on a deep spiritual level.
There is some confusion between soulmate and twin flame relationships. So to keep it simple we use the term spiritual connection.
And you can interchange the terms soulmate and twin flame for the definition that best fits your beliefs.
Twin flames and soul mates are karmic connections. These spiritual relationships are rare, but they do happen. Many people around the world are experiencing these relationships now, especially as we move into the Age of Aquarius.

The romantic aspects of these relationship can feel surreal. When the relationship is thriving you merge with the other soul. But there are times, for twin flames and soulmates, when the relationship can be challenging and frustrating.
We are all individual and unique. And we really have no control over when a twin flame or soul mate will enter our lives. This is something you decide with that other soul before being born. There is a certain destiny that is present in twin flame and soulmate connections. This defines the time you actually cross paths.
Romantic movies and novels tend to immortalize twin flames and soul mates. And many people spend too much time attempting to make the wrong relationships work. There is nothing wrong with hanging in there and doing all you can to make a relationship work. But if it’s the wrong relationship, it will never work. No matter how hard you try or how much you cry or how deeply you pray. The right amount of work should be invested only in the right relationship.
If you’re endlessly searching for a twin flame or soulmate, you might actually have clouded judgment. Are you endlessly searching for ‘the one’, attaching unrealistic expectations on someone you fantasize is your twin flame or soulmate? Or are you staying in a relationship that’s no longer in your highest and best good? Talk to us. You have come to the right place, and for the right reason.
We have seen people become so desperate to be in a twin flame or soulmate relationship they mistakenly project onto a current, or past, romantic partner. They can become so attached to this individual they idealize the relationship, because they want it so badly. If a romantic interest mistreats or breaks up with them, they may be so obsessed they convince themselves the obstacles have to be overcome to be together. All because of the twin flame or soulmate connection. In reality, this relationship was not meant to last.
For deeper and one-on-one insight and guidance into your twin flame or soulmate relationships, a psychic reading with Sarah Adelle and Sophia Elise will guide you in the right direction. Using their unique approach, and extensive experience in dealing with twin flame and soulmate questions and concerns from people around the world, they will get your relationship on track, or help you gain the courage to move on for good.