Security for Twin Flame and Soulmate Relationships Isn’t Guaranteed

Security for twin flame and soulmate relationships is not guaranteed.

As a matter of fact, security in relationships may actually be one of the lessons you need to learn. Or perhaps both of you need this life changing lesson.

Many soulmates and twin flames feel a lack of security in their relationships. Each relationship must be built from the ground up to create a stable foundation. Security for twin flames and soulmates can only be obtained if they avoid making major mistakes as their relationship evolves.

The further a couple deviates from their spiritual path, the less secure the relationship. And this will, of course, increase the level of drama.


If you feel insecure with your soulmate or twin flame you have to stop and think for a minute. Is your soulmate or twin flame actually giving you good reasons to feel that way? Perhaps your mind and emotions are creating drama within you. Either way, here is where the lesson comes into play.

If your partner is behaving or speaking in a way that is creating a lack of security for you, then it’s time to address it. Do not let your insecurities stop you from creating change. Stop worrying that telling them they need to correct their behavior, or their language towards you, will make you lose them. It’s time to face your fears. Find the strength to pull back on the energy you contribute to the relationship until they do.

Security for Twin Flame and Soulmate Relationships Isn't Guaranteed
Security for Twin Flame and Soulmate Relationships Isn’t Guaranteed

If you don’t, it would be crazy to think they’re going to stop and change this on their own. They won’t. Don’t allow them to ruin your relationship by making it a dysfunctional one. If you enable them to treat you badly and disrespect your connection, then both of you are going off your spiritual path. Nothing good is going to come of it.

Take that faith you have now, before they make you even more insecure and do something about it. One of you has to stop it, and it is up to you. This is your lesson to learn. Have faith instead of fear.


On the other hand, let’s say your partner isn’t doing or saying anything to make you question the security in your relationship. It’s not up to your twin flame or soulmate to heal whatever wound you have that causes this. That is not their job, but yours. Their presence in your life is not going to make a past wound heal. Stop using it as an excuse to torment them with your insecurity.

It’s not up to them to keep proving time and time again that your relationship is secure. If you don’t give them the credit they deserve for proving you have nothing to fear, that’s not fair to them. Your issues are yours, so don’t take it out on them.

They may understand and/or sympathize with you, but not to the point where they enable you. Work through your issues yourself, because it’s your lesson to learn. Before you drive your twin flame or soulmate away, seek a therapist or counselor if need be.

It makes sense at the beginning of a relationship to question it’s security. But there comes a time when there is no longer an excuse to have a stable, secure relationship. If you don’t, it’s time to address the problem instead of ignoring it.