Learning from Soulmate And Twin Flame Mistakes

Learning from soulmate and twin flame mistakes happens in all spiritual partnerships.

Soulmate and twin flame couples make a lot of errors. They’re given opportunities for learning more about themselves so they can grow into more evolved human beings. But somehow they can fall short.

For soulmate and twin flame partners, there’s the element of romance. Any spiritual relationship will provide life lessons. The problem is, many people have a hard time figuring out those lessons. Instead of learning, many people make mistakes with their soulmate or twin flame. We’re supposed to learn from all our mistakes in life, but there are those who are unaware they make mistakes in the spiritual union.

Learning from Soulmate And Twin Flame Mistakes
Learning from Soulmate And Twin Flame Mistakes


The first thing to learn from soulmate and twin flame mistakes is the acknowledgment of those mistakes. It’s also necessary to know why you make them.

For instance, let’s suppose you’re with a soulmate or twin flame who denies your connection. So you take it upon yourself  to convince them you have a spiritual connection. You send them articles about it in the hope they will read, understand and embrace your connection.

When you talk or text you keep mentioning all the signs you see that prove your spiritual union. You talk to them about the intensity of your feelings and how you know they must feel it too.

Your soulmate or twin flame not only continues to deny it, but now starts pushing you away. So you again feel your best course of action is to help them come to terms with it. You keep contacting them and trying whatever you can to make them talk to you.

Well at this point you should have already learned something. Your first attempt to convince them was a miserable failure. So here was an opportunity to change tactics which would prevent them from pulling so far away.

What is the lesson here?

Perhaps your lesson is to allow others to accept things on their own time, not yours. It could be your lesson was not to come on so strong with people. When a soulmate or twin flame relationship is in crisis, it’s time for you to look at your mistakes. Not just theirs, yours. They learn from theirs, you learn from yours. So instead of looking at yourself, you focus on them. And that is a huge mistake.

Many people don’t learn from their soulmate or twin flame mistakes, so they repeat them. We cannot count the times we have dealt with a client who was upset because their soulmate or twin flame kept doing something wrong. They want to know why they keep making mistake after mistake, ruining their chance at a good relationship.

You must also look at yourself

They rarely ask what mistakes they’re making themselves. No kidding. Instead they focus on the trouble their soulmate or twin flame is causing, but don’t look at themselves at all. They keep doing the same things which contribute to the problems in one way or another. Yet they repeat the same soulmate and twin flame mistakes time and again.

They only thing they’re learning is how to have a dysfunctional soulmate or twin flame relationship. When we tell clients what their mistakes are, and to stop making them, you would think they would stop, wouldn’t you? Well, they don’t. They do the same thing over and over again.

For example, let’s say your soulmate or twin flame doesn’t contact you for long periods of time. During that time you contact them and get no answer. Your reading shows you need to stop contacting them when they go silent. So you’re the one making a mistake and need to learn to wait for them to contact you. This will then teach them the lesson they can’t go quiet like that anymore or they won’t hear from you.

Now if you don’t listen, and keep contacting your soulmate or twin flame when they go M.I.A., you’re preventing both of you from learning what you need to. So stop making your mistakes. It may be what is keeping your soulmate or twin flame from learning from their mistakes.

Originally posted on 07/27/2015 @ 10:25 am

4 thoughts on “Learning from Soulmate And Twin Flame Mistakes”

  1. How do I get a reading? Help? Twin flame on the run and I know we are growing in self love its agony to my heart…

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