Responsibility, Accountability and Free Will With Soulmates and Twin Flames

Soulmates and twin flames need responsibility, accountability and free will as necessary aspects of the relationship.

There are some things in life that we cannot control, prepare for or even see coming. Sometimes good things happen to bad people. And bad things certainly happen to good people. All soulmates and twin flames are responsible and accountable for their words and actions.

Some things are out of our control. They are the luck of the draw or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not everything is out of our control and we can’t keep blaming others, the Universe, God or the Divine. It’s not always their responsibility for the situations we find ourselves in, nor the problems we face. Many times we’re faced with what we feel is a responsibility to others but we also must realize we have a responsibility to ourselves.


When it comes to relationships, especially twin flame and soulmate relationships, we have to be accountable and responsible. We have to use our free will wisely.

Let’s say for example you meet a person who led you to believe they’re single. Later on down the line, however, you discover they lied. Should you beat yourself up over this? No. You’re not the one at fault here because they lied to you. They made you believe they were single. But now you have proof they’re a cheater and a liar.

If you decide to continue this relationship, with someone who has proven to be a liar and cheater, that is on you. Should you really feel victimized when you uncover more of their lies? And then learn they’re cheating on you as well?

You took the risk, knowing it was a long shot. If you want better odds, with better outcomes, choose less risky relationships. You have free will. And you made the choice to stay with them even though they proved to you time and again they lie and cheat.

Responsibility Accountability and Free Will
Responsibility Accountability and Free Will


Many of our clients feel powerless in their relationships acting as though they have no accountability, responsibility or free will. They feel they’re victims because their relationships are out of their control. They believe their romantic partner is holding all the cards, and calling all the shots, in the relationship. And many times they are.

Those who feel victimized are giving power to their partner and allowing them to call the shots. You can’t make someone treat you the way you deserve but you certainly can choose not to be around someone who treats you this way.

This includes soulmates and twin flames as well. Just because you have a connection doesn’t mean you have to stay in the relationship. Sometimes the only way to get it right with a soulmate or twin flame is to take a break from the relationship. It’s scary to do, but sometimes it’s the only thing that sets the relationship back on track again.

We can’t really choose who we fall in love with.

But you can choose to end a relationship with someone because you’re not happy. If you choose to stay with someone, in any capacity, who mistreats you or doesn’t express feelings for you, you should accept the responsibility for staying. A soulmate or twin flame is supposed to make you happy, not depressed.

You need accountability for exercising your free will to stay with them, even though they’re making you miserable.

The moment you realize someone is not right for you, or not treating you right, you can have a pity party for a short time. Use that time to look at how this evolved and your role in it.

What you do about it is up to you, not them. YOU. So don’t get mad at them for cheating again, breaking up with you again or breaking promises to you again. Don’t blame them. They’re who they are and you should know that by now.

So if you stay, YOU are making that choice to give them the opportunity to hurt you again. Especially if you keep doing the same thing over and over again. Is it any wonder then why they keep doing the same thing too?


If you’re unhappy, rather than assigning blame, why not accept the outcomes of the choices you made? Try making new choices that have different outcomes. It may suck that you’re alone for your birthday. You’re the one that chose to be involved with someone who is married or does not want to spend your birthday with you.

Accept the accountability for creating your own unhappiness. So either accept it as your lot in life or go and find someone else who is available. Your soulmate or twin flame may be under the impression that they don’t have to be with you on special occasions. They may think they can get away with anything they want. That is on them. The fact that you let them get away with everything they do wrong is on you.


When someone chooses to stay in the role of victim they’re giving away their own personal power. This is a very disempowering place to be. They may believe the Universe constantly throws them a pile of crap, day after day after day, that they must deal with. That’s the root of their unhappiness and they may even be mad a God. They don’t take responsibility for the actions and decisions which create their reality.

The universe does not want us to be miserable. They do give us challenges and obstacles in our lives to deal with and overcome. But as they say, we’re never really given more than we can handle. Sometimes we may dig in deep to find the courage and strength to deal with some of the challenges.

It’s when we take responsibility for our decisions and actions, we grow and evolve as humans. And this, in a nutshell, is why we are all here.

Originally posted on 02/01/2013 @ 3:05 pm

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