Free Will and Your Twin Flame Or Soulmate Relationship

We all have free will. The Universe gives it to us to make the choices we want to make for our lives.

Nothing is set in stone. If it were, there would be no point in being here to experience life and love. Free will gives us the ability to experience different outcomes based on the decisions we make or actions we take. But free will also forces us to take accountability and responsibility for ourselves, especially when it comes to twin flame or soulmate relationships.


Many people have a hard time understanding what free will actually is. Here is a highly simplified example. Let’s say you have a big test coming up. So you decide you’re going to study every night for two weeks, including weekends, to pass that test. You know the material, and you know that you should do well on the test, if you apply yourself. You decide to get a psychic reading to see if you will pass that test.

The reading reveals you will do great providing you put in study time and focus on the material. On Monday though, a friend calls and asks you out for dinner, so you delay studying. On Tuesday you decide to watch television. And so it goes for the remainder of the two week preparation period.

So what happens on test day? You fail. Why? Because you used your free will and decided to do other things instead of studying.


When it comes to free will and your spiritual relationship, you have to be accountable and responsible for how things unfold between you. Many people call us and ask how free will comes into play with their twin flame or soulmate relationships. Some questions can’t be answered the way a caller truly desires because their twin flame or soulmate has free will.

So for instance, let’s say you want to know if your spiritual partnership will work out and if it will move forward into marriage. There are so many variables here, and what the two of you do with this romantic opportunity is up to both of you, and your free will.

Free Will and Your Twin flame Relationship
Free Will and Your Twin flame Relationship

If you decide, after three or four dates, to do something stupid like get drunk at their company picnic, vomit on the boss’s shoes, and then do a striptease on the picnic table, your free will has pretty much changed the dynamic of where your relationship was headed.

Additionally there are free will provisions in your soulmate or twin flame psychic reading. The answer depends on what you do or don’t do in the future. There are two different outcomes based on what you do or don’t do, or what your partner does or doesn’t do.

For example, you call for a soulmate or twin flame psychic reading to ask if you and your partner will get back together. The guidance is for you to initiate the reconciliation. But you choose not to because of your pride. Here your free will causes the opposite outcome. And unfortunately, you then have to take the responsibility for this relationship not coming back together.

What we do in the present, and our current choices, affect our future outcomes.

As we have mentioned earlier, not everything is set in stone. This is where free will comes in.

If you’re fighting with your partner, and we see they need a cooling off period before trying to reason with them, forcing a conversation now will not help. We see the relationship working out. But if you decide you need to talk to them right now, because you just can’t wait one moment longer, and the fight escalates into something much worse, you very well might have changed the outcome all together.

When we execute free will we need to be aware how it affects everything in our lives. Learning to be accountable and responsible to your twin flame or soulmate, will help the relationship grow and expand.

Originally posted on 07/11/2019 @ 4:04 am

10 thoughts on “Free Will and Your Twin Flame Or Soulmate Relationship”

  1. I always had such a hard time understanding the whole “free will” and how it comes into play. This helped me so much!

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