Your Twin Flame, Soulmate And Their Exes

Most soulmates or twin flames have exes from past relationships. Depending on the nature of the relationship with their ex, it can cause problems in your current relationship.


Many soulmates and twin flames often meet when one or both is already married, so their exes may blame you for the divorce. If you’re in a situation like that, you may be well aware of the bitterness, resentment, and hatred they have towards you.

They may tell the children, if they have any, that you’re the cause of their parents split. Exes may tell anyone who will listen how you’re such a horrible person. They may try to get their friends and family to hate you as much as they do. Because they believe you ruined their relationship, they want to ruin yours.

The reality is they may not even love your spiritual partner. They may not suffer a broken heart when the relationship ends. It may just be that they do not want to see them happy with you.

If you have an affair with your married soulmate or twin flame, it may cause them to divorce. Since they divorce to be with you, it’s understandable why the exes hate you, to a certain extent. After a divorce, both parties are free to move on and leave the past behind.

Your Twin Flame, Soulmate And Their Exes
Your Twin Flame, Soulmate And Their Exes

But what if your soulmate or twin flame’s ex doesn’t want to move on with their life?

What if they just want to ruin your life? How can you keep your spiritual partner’s ex from causing problems in your relationship?

Many people tell us they have no problems at all with their soulmate or twin flame. except when it comes to their exes. Sometimes this is the only area of friction between the couple. But when they feel it’s their job to decide how they handle their ex, the decisions can be disastrous.


So if they’re doing a good job creating boundaries, enforcing boundaries and standing up to their ex, there shouldn’t be a problem should there? Nope.

But many times your soulmate or twin flame lets the ex get away with murder. They don’t want to fight so they do anything to keep the peace. That isn’t handling an ex, but obeying their every command. The ex may be happy, but you sure are not.

How can that possibly make you feel like a priority when their ex’s demands often come first? It can’t. Your partner will need to deal with them. And if the two of you cannot agree with how to best do that, it may be time to ask for outside help.

It would be such a shame for twin flames and soulmates to have conflict in their relationship caused by an ex. Instead of arguing and disagreeing, it might be a smart idea to contact a neutral party. This way someone outside the situation can help find a solution agreeable to both sides and the relationship can run smoothly again.

When an issue is not dealt with properly, it just gets worse. Don’t wait for more damage to be done.

Your spiritual partners past relationship shouldn’t cause conflict presently or in the future. You waited so long to finally meet and be together, so protect what you have at all costs.

Originally posted on 09/18/2015 @ 4:40 pm

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