Dating a Soulmate or Twin Flame During a Divorce

Dating a soulmate or twin flame during a divorce can lead to unforeseen problems down the line.

When soulmates and twin flames first meet, they want to be together in a romantic sense right away. Their meeting may have even been the catalyst that brought about the divorce. There are a lot of challenges that soulmates and twin flames face while dating during a divorce process.


If a soulmate or twin flame reunion is what lead up to the filing for divorce, then dating out in the open, may not be a wise idea. No one wants to be kept a secret, but keeping your relationship a secret during a divorce might be the smartest choice.

If a soon to be ex discovers the relationship, and blames the divorce on that, they can set out to make things as difficult as possible. They make enlist friends, family members and even their own children, to go to battle for them.

This can take a toll on a couple. The one divorcing may feel they’re giving up their marriage to be with their soul partner. But they also realize they may have to give up all their family and friends too. It’s a scary thing to face. The stress that comes with it can cause problems for the couple.

Consider the fact that even if the divorce goes through, the couples’ children, family and friends may blame the new relationship for ending that relationship. You may think in time they will come around, but that’s not always true.

So dating during divorce may not be the best idea in the world. Keeping the soulmate or twin flame’s identity, and the fact you’re dating secret, could be the wisest choice.

Dating a Soulmate or Twin Flame During a Divorce
Dating a Soulmate or Twin Flame During a Divorce


What happens when both soulmates or twin flames are married to others? When soulmates or twin flames are divorcing their spouses to be together, the process can get tricky.

When they start dating, they want to get divorced at the same time. Neither wants to be the one to go first. Actually, many want to see their soulmate or twin flame divorce before they will even start their own process. This leads to a lot of arguments and resentment. It also leads to distrust and broken promises. Divorce is a huge undertaking and a life altering change, which many people don’t want to face.

No one wants their soon to be ex-spouse making them feel like the bad guy. And your soulmate or twin flame may make you feel like the bad guy at the same time. You begin to feel like you can’t please anyone and you begin to withdraw. You also resent the fact that the person you’re going through this divorce to be with isn’t being more supportive. This can do damage to the relationship.

When you meet your soulmate or twin flame, you want to make them part of your life as soon as possible.

We understand that.

To give your soulmate or twin flame relationship the best chance of survival, wait before you begin dating.

If you’re not single, don’t make the same promises to your soulmate or twin flame a single person does. Have reasonable expectations of the divorce process. Realize that you made a choice to begin dating instead of waiting, and take the responsibility for that choice.

Please understand your soulmateĀ  or twin flame will often be pressured to go to counseling. Threats will soon follow, such as financial ruin and estrangement from their children. Family members and friends may also jump ship. So approach this situation with caution instead of throwing caution to the wind.


Originally posted on 09/08/2017 @ 2:00 pm

6 thoughts on “Dating a Soulmate or Twin Flame During a Divorce”

  1. Wise words! Thanks! Appreciate all the information you provide on your website. It has been very helpful to me on this crazy journey.

  2. This is so true and so hard. My soulmate confessed to me many years after our meeting that from that moment his marriage went downhill. He was sent overseas a couple of times and I moved away. But when he came back he found me, filed for divorce and asked me to marry him. He wanted to tell the kids immediately but I knew from out of the blue that we couldn’t and that his ex who already hated my guts for their problems would be unbearable and the kids would become pawns. So we kept it secret. We lived separately while he worked out his issues with her and the day after he renewed his proposal, he was tragically killed. We are together now but not like we had planned. We are looking forward to all of our futures together.

    • I’m the one who was left by wife becouse of her “soulmate”. Their affair last for 3 year already and she was denieing she has an affair. It was a nightmare for me for 2 years after announcement about the divorce was made. Now I’m fine, I’m enjoying my life and she is dealing with her soulmate situation (he is delay with the divorce). Two families broken and why? For the sake of serotonin and dopomin? I wonder how you deal with the situation right now after 5 years. You are still with your soulmate?

      • WOW it is so difficult to go through this but if he is still not divorced it may not bode well!

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