Is Love Enough For Twin Flame Or Soulmate Relationships?

Many people in twin flame or soulmate relationships believe love is all they need.

They believe the soul connection alone will ensure their relationship will prevail. For some reason, people seem to believe that love is all you need.

The belief is love that is meant to be will be, and that love conquers all.  Those statements, although very romantic, are not realistic. Life happens, and even the best of couples can get torn apart.


Love is not always enough and doesn’t always survive unscathed. Soulmates and twin flames are often under the assumption that nothing can destroy their relationship.

That’s simply not true.

How we behave, and the things we say and do, have a direct affect on a soulmate or twin flame relationship. If the connection between you and your spiritual partner is so strong, why are you apart? Why are you not communicating properly? Why are you and your soulmate or twin flame growing further apart?

Is Love Enough For Twin Flame Or Soulmate Relationship Relationships?
Is Love Enough For Twin Flame Or Soulmate Relationship?

People believe soulmates and twin flames always work things out and no obstacles can stand in their way. The deep connection is all they need. Yet when it comes to love, it doesn’t always keep us together. Love does not always get us back together or keep us from breaking up.

People can start a relationship and develop feelings for one another. But for one reason or another, the relationship ends. Twin flames and soulmates need to weather the storms and survive the bumps in the road along the way.


Life is not always easy, and can be very hard, just like all matters of the heart. All relationships will have their ups and downs. But if your relationships has extreme highs and extreme lows, you may need some help to level that pace.

The extreme highs do not and should not make up for the extreme lows. Your relationship should not go to extreme lows in the first place. You need to get to the root of the problems so you can avoid those lows as best as possible. Some things are out of your control. But what IS in your control you CAN control.

Our desire and need for our soulmate or twin flame is what sustains and supports us through our daily lives. We shouldn’t leave it to fate, chance or destiny to decide if our love will grow or survive.

Don’t keep yourself from doing what you can to successfully maintain a loving relationship with your soulmate or twin flame. Take charge of the most important relationship in your life and do whatever you can to allow it to flourish. It’s better than watching it die on the vine. Love may not be enough. But with some work and effort, you can now have all you need to keep your spiritual union thriving.

Originally posted on 07/15/2013 @ 4:12 pm

12 thoughts on “Is Love Enough For Twin Flame Or Soulmate Relationships?”

  1. I am wondering.. I think I’ve found my twin flame. we’re both very young, but everything just makes SO much sense, it’s scary, and I think I’m nuts. His name is Vincent.. we’re at the “separation ” stage. Is he REALLY my twin? and will I be with him in this life? I’m scared. I don’t know what to do. But I do know I love him, so much it hurts. I’ve never felt like this with anyone else in my entire life. part of the reason we’re not talking anymore is because of his mother.. she hates me and threatened him, told he he couldn’t date me.

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  2. This article makes so much sense. I used to think love was enough but its not I thought loving him enough for both of us would work.

  3. i think i have met my twinflame. Everything that happens between us seems nothing but magical. I think he is my twinflame. Am I right or just imagining it?

  4. Thank you for this article – as rough as it can be to properly communicate with my TwinFlame and as many times we both have tried to seperate, something is like Spiritually chained together between us and always swiftly reels us back together. Apart we go through hell until the moment we see each other it is immense relief (taking care of elder parents separately across town, we share 2 nights a week maybe). after 5 years we still cannot identify the power or structure of this smashing push to be with the other. We both see 11:11 daily. Often a call or thought to call will be at 11:11 on the phone clock. Is that significant and what is the drive we feel so strong toward connection? God bless and regards.

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