Soulmate or Twin Flame Obsession

Do You Obsess Over Your Twin Flame or Soulmate?

Soulmate or twin flame obsession occurs in many spiritual relationships due to the intense connection. When someone encounters a soulmate or twin flame, it seems as if there’s nothing else they can think about. Their emotions and feelings take over their moods, their minds and … Read more

Searching for a Twin Flame Or Soulmate is a Waste of Time

Searching for a Twin Flame Or Soulmate is a Waste of Time

Searching for a twin flame or soulmate is actually unnecessary. The Universe doesn’t hide your twin flame or soulmate so you have to search for them like a treasure hunt. The universe isn’t going to play games with you and make you search everywhere for … Read more

When Your Twin Flame or Soulmate Rejects You

When Your Twin Flame or Soulmate Rejects You

When your twin flame or soulmate rejects you, it’s the most helpless feeling on earth. What starts as an instant connection now leaves you feeling dazed and confused. When your twin flame or soulmate rejects you, it causes you to wonder if this is all … Read more

Maintaining Your Dignity with Your Twin Flame or Soulmate

Maintaining Your Dignity with Your Twin Flame or Soulmate

Maintaining your dignity is a major lesson for twin flames and soulmates.  Have you lost your dignity in your soulmate or twin flame relationship? Does your dignity take a back seat to pleasing your partner? Do you sacrifice your dignity to keep your relationship afloat? … Read more

Jealousy for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Jealousy for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Jealousy for soulmates and twin flames, like any other couple, can ruin a relationship. Jealousy stems from insecurity, and insecurity can contaminate a relationship. Just because you’re in a spiritual relationship doesn’t guarantee it will be drama free. Jealousy for soulmates and twin flames can … Read more

Life Lessons in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Life Lessons in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Life lessons in soulmate and twin flame relationships are as unique as the members of the couple. These life lessons aren’t always easy, but they’re necessary. Otherwise the relationship suffers tremendously. LIFE LESSONS AND SPIRITUAL UNION A soulmate or twin flame relationship is a spiritual … Read more