Family Interfering in Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Relationship?

Does your family interfere in your soulmate or twin flame relationship? If so, it may not only drive you crazy, but drive a deep wedge between you.

Our families are very important to us. They help shape us into the human beings we become. So the last thing we want to do is upset or hurt our family.

But what if family members are hell bent in keeping two soulmates or twin flame apart?


You don’t want to lose your soulmate or twin flame. But you don’t want to lose your family either. When family interferes, you may feel you have to choose one or the other.

So what do you do?

Take a long hard look at who is forcing a choice to be made. If your soulmate or twin flame is doing nothing, and it is your family, then the fault lies with them.

Your soulmate or twin flame may try to defend themselves and even lash back at them. If you don’t stand up for your spiritual partner, then you leave your soulmate or twin flame no choice. So shame on you, that’s your job. And you never should put them in that position. Your people should allow you to grow up and make choices for yourself. After all, that’s what adults do.

Family Interfering in Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Relationship?
Family Interfering in Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Relationship?


If your soulmate or twin flame makes you happy, what’s the problem? Your family doesn’t want you to be happy? In almost all cases, they would never admit that. But if they don’t make your happiness a priority, there’s something wrong with your family dynamic.

They should trust that you know what’s best for you and who is best for you. You don’t have a say in who they date or marry, do you? That was their choice to make. They don’t have a right to take away your choices. And they certainly need to stop trying to cause a break-up between you.

You may have been very close with your family.

And perhaps you spent a lot of time with them when you were younger and single. Now that you’re an adult, they have to let go of some of the time they spend with you.

You’re supposed to go out, find a soulmate or twin flame and start a family of your own. How can you do that if they screw up your relationships? You can’t. So you have to put a stop to it if you want an adult relationship.

Don’t expect your soulmate or twin flame to accept their interfering, because that’s just how your family is. Nope.

It is not time for acceptance, it’s time for change.

You can’t let unhealthy negative behaviors of your family keep interfering in relationships that are none of their business. You need to demand your family show respect to your spiritual relationship, or you may have to distance yourself from them for a while. If they don’t respect your soulmate or twin flame relationship, then they don’t respect you.

Part of the lessons you learn from your soulmate or twin flame is to demand respect from those around you. Sometimes families may be interfering because of religious beliefs. Some families would rather see their child with someone higher on the social ladder and with better financial standing.

Again, it’s not their choice and they need to stop interfering. You’re the only person who can say no to your family interfering in your relationship.


Originally posted on 05/08/2017 @ 2:00 pm

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