Past Relationships Interfering In Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Are past relationships interfering with your soulmate or twin flame relationship? Think about what your learned in past relationships.

You can bring forward the behaviors and patterns from them into current ones.

Being hung up on an ex, for instance, is a way your past keeps you from moving towards the future and focusing on the present.

Starting a relationship before you’re really over your ex, or as a way to get over your ex, only leads to rebound relationships.

Yes, soulmate and twin flame relationships can start too soon after a break up. That’s not to say the new one doesn’t stand a chance. But detoxing from any past connection is crucial. You need time to release destructive behaviors and patterns.


When cheating occurs, any future union may be subject to insecurity and trust issues. If the person you’re currently with was cheated on in their past, they may have problems trusting you. Either way, both parties have to start fresh.

You have to allow the new person in your life to earn your trust. If you start out not trusting a person, trust never has the chance to grow. So the relationship is doomed from the start. Since the connection between soulmates and twin flames causes heightened emotions, it’s easy to see how trust issues and insecurity can get way out of hand.

Past Relationships Interfering In Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships
Past Relationships Interfering In Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships


There’s nothing wrong with learning from your past relationships. Soulmates and twin flame unions are all about learning lessons. Learning from a prior connection can help your future relationships become better ones. Holding onto your emotional baggage will sabotage your new ones.

You may be insecure or have a problem with jealousy or control. Has this caused problems in your previous connections? If they have, doesn’t it stand to reason they will be the same issues in your spiritual partnership too? It’s time you look at why your past relationships failed. What can you do to make the changes necessary to give the new one a real chance at making it.

When your past relationship ended, it’s hold on you ends as well. Problems you had with an ex have nothing to do with your soulmate or twin flame. Let go of them physically, mentally and emotionally.  Don’t continue or encourage contact with any ex.

If you must continue to communicate with them because of children, then set strict boundaries. An ex can’t interfere without you allowing them to.

A soulmate or twin flame shouldn’t suffer for something they’re not responsible for. Leave the past in the past. Start fresh. It’s up to you and your soulmate or twin flame to keep the past in the past. Put closure on your past relationships, learn from them, and move on.



Originally posted on 04/24/2013 @ 1:17 pm

3 thoughts on “Past Relationships Interfering In Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships”

  1. Learning from past relationships is better than repeating the same mistakes. I really had to stop the cycle, it was like the same relationship over and over again!

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