How Many Twin Flames or Soulmates in a Lifetime?

How Many Twin Flames or Soulmates in a Lifetime?

How many twin flames or soulmates can you have in a lifetime? Since everyone is different, the answer is different for everyone. We know people use the label soulmate and twin flame differently depending on their beliefs. We honor that and always use both labels … Read more

Getting Closure from a Soulmate or Twin Flame

Getting Closure from a Soulmate or Twin Flame

Getting closure from a soulmate or twin flame relationship is rough. It’s not something you can truly get in a second, it’s a process. Steps to get closure from a spiritual relationship start with you. You don’t need your soulmate or twin flame to give … Read more

Past Relationships Interfering In Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Past Relationships Interfering In Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Are past relationships interfering with your soulmate or twin flame relationship? Think about what your learned in past relationships. You can bring forward the behaviors and patterns from them into current ones. Being hung up on an ex, for instance, is a way your past … Read more