Moving on from a Twin Flame or Soulmate

Moving on from a twin flame or soulmate can be difficult.

It’s hard to let go especially when you’re still stuck on them. You may try as hard as you can to get over them but it isn’t working.

Do you wish you could move forward and focus on yourself but are having no luck? Do you wonder what your twin flame or soulmate is doing? Does it seem as though they’re having a great time, yet you’re miserable?


Your spiritual partner may have moved on, but you feel the same about them as when you were together. It’s heartbreaking for you. You find yourself so stuck in a rut that dating someone else feels pointless.

On top of that, thoughts of your soulmate or twin flame haunt you on a daily basis and drive you crazy. It really sucks when you’re stuck and just can’t seem to take even one step forward. So how can you get to the moving on part?

It’s ok to still have feelings for them because you still feel your connection. And it’s ok to have a little hope in your heart that you may reunite.

But it’s not ok is to put your life on hold while your ex lives theirs. Being stuck on an ex is self-destructive. You’re missing a very important message from the universe as well. Right now the two of you should be using the time apart for learning.


You must accept that they’re gone for the time being. They have ended the relationship, and in doing so, took all power away from you. You can’t change their decision, no matter how much you want to. Driving by their house, trying to force a conversation with them or stalking them on social media isn’t going to change anything. All it’s going to do it keep you wallowing in pain and agony.

If you keep allowing yourself to dwell on the good times, or wonder what they’re doing all the time, you’ll get nowhere. You can’t control when thoughts of them pop into your head. But you can control what you do with those thoughts. When they appear, instead of grabbing that thought and making it an hour-long internal movie, do something else. You don’t need to relive the past. You already lived it once. And once was enough.

You should also be using this time apart the same way you want them to. Surely you want them to learn something from this time apart. That would make your relationship better when/if you reunite.

But what about you? What have you learned? What do you need to change going forward? There is a lesson here for you as well, and it is best you learn it now. Otherwise, you can safely bet you two will break up again.


In many, many cases soulmates and twin flames have to separate. The lessons and growth required from both of them cannot happen when they’re in union. When together, they’re both off their spiritual path and engaging in a dysfunctional relationship. Neither one of them are learning or growing.

Because of this, they need a time out from one another, to learn and grow alone. Then, at a later date, these couples reunite when they’re more able to sustain a union.

This may be the case for you and your twin flame or soulmate. Why are you not learning your lessons instead of wallowing in misery? Being a basket case is not going to bring your soulmate or twin flame back faster. Without learning and growing, even if they do return to you, they’ll just leave again.

Moving on from a Twin Flame or Soulmate
Moving on from a Twin Flame or Soulmate

So use your time wisely. Take the time and energy you need to get yourself back on your spiritual path and learn from past mistakes. Do everything you can to stop your thoughts from wondering what they’re up to. This is really the biggest step in moving on from a twin flame or soulmate.


Taking daily long strolls down memory lane isn’t going to help either. Train yourself to push these thoughts out of your mind as quickly as they enter. Put on your favorite music and blare it if you have to. Just don’t put on music that reminds you of them.

Call a friend to listen to them talk and don’t let your mind wander. Don’t let the people you know talk about your ex. That will just keep you stuck. Don’t ask people about your ex either. Drop the soulmate and twin flame subject entirely.

Ask people to stop pushing you to date and find someone new right now. You clearly aren’t ready. If your twin flame or soulmate is on your social media accounts, delete them. Who cares if it hurts their feelings. Worry about your state of well-being. Don’t check their social media accounts. That will do nothing but mess with your heart and your head. You don’t need to see their life, you need to work on your own.

In order to get to a point where you’re moving on with your life, you have to learn to let go. You have to let go of the dwelling, remembering, daydreaming, spying and worrying. And just accept that they’re not with you right now.

Remember, that doesn’t mean they are gone for good. You have to live in the here and now. Doing so will make you a better version of yourself and ready to begin a better relationship when/if they return.

We also invite you to check out our article Getting Closure from a Soulmate or Twin Flame.

5 thoughts on “Moving on from a Twin Flame or Soulmate”

  1. It has been very difficult, to say the least, but you can and you will move on if you allow the process to begin.

    • It is so hard to move forward from one of these connections, just remember to be patient with yourself because it will take some time … and effort.

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