Where is My Twin Flame Or Soulmate?

Where is my twin flame or soulmate?

So many people ask this common question so we feel the need to address it. People want to know where their twin flame or soulmate is currently living. Some of them even ask us the name of their soulmate or twin flame. They also want to know when they will finally enter their lives. We are sorry to say this, but this is not a question we can answer for you, although we wish we could.

Until the universe reveals the location, or the name, of your twin flame or soulmate to you, they won’t reveal it to us. The powers that be have their own reasons for withholding this information from you. So of course they aren’t going to let us give it to you. That wouldn’t make sense. And unfortunately we can’t trick the universe into revealing anything they don’t want you to know yet.


When the universe is ready for you and your twin flame or soulmate to meet, they will make it happen. This is only when they feel the time is right. All twin flame and soulmate meetings happen under the rules of divine timing. We are just as in the dark as you are. So we can’t tell you how you will meet, what their hair or eye color is, or any of that kind of information.

You’re more likely to get this information from your own intuition. Perhaps your spiritual guides may tell you, but they won’t tell us. If you ask us for validation that you have indeed encountered your twin flame or soulmate,  we can do that for you. But you must have that initial meeting first.

Keep in mind not everyone will have a twin flame or soulmate in this lifetime.

It does not mean you’re not one of the lucky ones. Any great loving relationship is also a blessing. It is not dependent on labels to be a great, loving relationship. Don’t feel as though you’re being cheated out of something if a soulmate or twin flame doesn’t present in this lifetime. It it just may not be your time. We all have different paths and journeys to complete. 


In actuality, someone searching for their twin flame or soulmate should really focus their attention elsewhere. If you believe in soulmates and twin flames, you should have the faith they will come at the right time.

where is my twin flame or soulmate
Where is my Twin Flame or Soulmate?

A person who is truly ready for this type of soul connection knows it will happen. They put their faith in the universe and just keep living their best, most authentic life. In doing this there is not frustration or impatience. Those souls who are further along on their spiritual journey don’t have to search. Their soul knows their true purpose so it doesn’t vibrate on such levels as searching or yearning.

They leave things up to the universe.

They trust it will be for benefit of the greater good, not just for their own wants and desires. Focusing inward, instead of outward, is a much better idea. For your soul to truly evolve to be ready for a twin flame or soulmate, you must begin within yourself. Harmonious twin flame and soulmate relationships are for those whose souls reach the highest levels. That can only come from spiritual and personal growth.

Before someone finds themselves overly focused on where they are, or who they might be, it’s time for a time out. Trying to draw a spiritual partner toward you via meditations or visual boards will bring further frustration. Meditating for your own spiritual growth and becoming the best version of yourself is a much better use of your time.

Soulmate and twin flame relationships bring with them many unique lessons that provide spiritual and personal growth. These are invaluable for what you both need to connect on deeper levels.

You can ask a higher power, your spiritual guides, angels, God, or the universe where your twin flame or soulmate is. Just don’t expect an easy answer. They may instead point out to you areas where you need to grow. Doing so can bring forth lessons you still need to learn.

But again, this puts you on the greater path to finding your soul partner.

In order to meet a twin flame or soulmate in this lifetime, one must trust the universe will have both of you cross paths when the time is right. Leave it to them and focus your energy and attention where is can best serve you and those around you.


Originally posted on 02/28/2018 @ 6:39 pm

9 thoughts on “Where is My Twin Flame Or Soulmate?”

  1. I am at peace with the fact that I may or may not have a soulmate or twin flame in this lifetime. What will be will be, it is not like I can change it anyway. Thanks for your articles!

    • That actually makes the most sense because a soulmate or twin flame relationship is really the journey between you and your soul.

  2. Thank you for your very authentic posts about what TFs are and what they are not :-) I’ve been on a TF journey since 5 months now, journaling on what is going on (dreams, intuitions, signs, communication with my HS and exercising my abilities et al) and …. I had no clue, I was describing a TF journey until about a week ago! The crazy thing is, in the late 90s I saw this guy the first time and although I could appreciate his beauty, I couldn’t look at him and pushed him away and so, I literally forgot about him until late last year, when the universe put me on a cascade rediscovery path, that since has completely turned my life upside down. In a REALLY good way. I NEVER ever thought my pushing him away (which puzzled me back then myself) was attributed to what my soul saw, yet, I was not ready to look at. I know, we will meet, but it’s also my joy to feel, that my attachment to the outcome has pretty much fully disappeared since being on this journey. I am blessed to be in a very beautiful relationship with my husband and this experience doesn’t feel threatening to my marriage at all. My hubby even has similar facial features to him *LOL* I am very grateful to experience what I experience, to rediscover a literal surprise that finally explains why I pushed this guy away earlier in my life, the personal growth, the joy of rediscovering love for the world, the calmness that has come into my life in such a short time and the urge, to become what I came here to be. And this is when I see the synchronicities increase. Our own path is the key to our twin flame. I feel ready to make the world a better place thanks to having found (again) this guy. And did I say, that I still love and appreciate my hubby? Love to the world.

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