Many people have a misconception of the purpose of a twin flame or soulmate relationship.
They operate under belief that the purpose of a twin flame or soulmate relationship is to have a storybook romance. The two of you should share each other’s thoughts and complete each other’s sentences. You should have the best sex of your lives and both of your grandmother’s names are Mary.
These are all very nice thoughts and things that deepen your soul connection. But the purpose of twin flame and soulmate relationships goes much deeper than that. And if it didn’t, it would not really be a twin flame or soulmate relationship. Soulmate and twin flame relationships are also for the individuals themselves. And it’s for their own personal and spiritual growth. This creates positive evolution of their souls through the experiences they share through their spiritual union.

After the growth and evolution, the purpose becomes much more profound. It’s to contribute to mankind as a whole and making the world a better place. There will still be plenty of personal growth even at this stage of the relationship. Twin flames and soulmates will both be mirrors to reflect the good as well as the bad that needs to be addressed in each other.
So the true purpose of the relationship is to bring some sort of gift to the world through your partnership. Not to the relationship, not to you and not to them. It’s to the world as a whole.
This could be something where the two of you work together to help others. An example could be working as missionaries in a third world country. But it doesn’t have to necessarily be something like that. The possibilities are endless. You could create a project you both work on together that will be well received by people and help elevate their consciousness. It could be helping animals or the elderly and bringing positive change in their lives.
On the other hand, perhaps you marry and have a child. This child ends up being the greatest composer since Mozart, who can deliver great music to the world. Regardless of what it is, there will be a soul gift that is given to the world which is the divine purpose of your spiritual union.
We must also consider that perhaps your soulmate or twin flame is not yet ready to bring their soul gift to the world. This will create issues and problems between you, which is a topic we will cover in a later posting.
As the path of your soulmate or twin flame relationship develops you will learn or figure out what this soul gift is. On the other hand, you may meet as a result of already being in your soul path of delivering your soul gift to the world.
We must be very clear here so we will reiterate, spiritually connected relationship need to have a purpose and that purpose is not so you can have just a romantic relationship. There is a deeper meaning to it all, and you must find that purpose together.
Originally posted on 06/05/2014 @ 4:25 pm
Very helpful website
My gift Found me…But we are phisicaly so farway…
that is usually how it is in these connections
Almost spot on
Great article …so good to point this out Bc so many women get overly excited thinking everyone they meet is their twin flame lol. Our story..His child has type one diabetes and currently the family does lots of public fundraising and spread awareness she was on tv recently before a live event ..she’s 8. He is a sports writer and youth football talent scout for the U.S. west coast …I run a healthy cooking blog and am writing kindle cook books…I’m helping him start up his personal web sight for youth scouting ..I can c us collaborating on cookbooks for diabetes to help raise money for the diabetes foundation with his daughter (she is seriously the prettiest little girl you’d ever seen looks like a freaking mini model !) and I have always thought I’d speak to young people about how to turn what they love into online based careers so Immediately when I realized he was my twin flame I thought our mission must be to use his connection to youth and teach and speak about how to pursue their dreams and goals and work with the diabetes foundation and my knowledge of cooking ..will have to update u as we r currently in the reunion phase so taking things slow after separation in other relationships
You hit on something most twin flame experts miss – and that is there is a reason for being together – you have to bring a divine gift to the world!