Recognizing a soulmate or twin flame relationship is important.
They are both karmic connections. Have you ever met someone and had the feeling that you’ve known them before? You recognize them in some way because something inside you clicks and everything falls into place. Not in a “hey did we go to grade school together or have we met before?” kind of way. This is a feeling of deep knowing when you look into that person’s eyes. You feel something that you have never felt before.
It can be a very cosmic experience when you meet a soulmate or twin flame because there is a sense of knowing this person is in your life for a reason. But what exactly is the reason? Perhaps you’ve shared many lives with them or just one. You just know that this is someone who has been and will be important to you.

Before we are born into this lifetime, we make agreements, or soul contracts, with others. We agree to learn certain lessons from each other.
We may establish a soul agreement with someone in order to awaken a particular facet of our soul that up to that point in time had laid dormant. Perhaps in this lifetime we need to work through karmic issues we shared with this soul in another lifetime or several lifetimes.
Whatever the case may be, if this person is in your life now, it will be a big learning experience for you. You may just need to buckle up and hold on for the ride, as it will have its ups and downs and the pace may be ever changing.
Soulmate and twin flame relationships can feel very similar. They have many commonalities, but there are also some differences. Here are some of the hints from the Universe that allow us to see that we are involved in a soulmate or twin flame relationship.
- They are both karmic relationships that are brought into your life through destiny or fate. This can be a chance encounter that never would have happened without divine intervention.
- There is a powerful, instant feeling that you have known the other before that comes with a very strong sense of familiarity.
- There is an instant and deep connection unlike anything you have experienced prior. Time and space lose meaning in this relationship. For instance, although you may have just met and are getting to know one another, you feel as if you already have a history with this person that defies explanation. Likewise if you are apart for long periods of time for one reason or another, when you reunite, it will feel as if no time has passed.
- Yep, the sex will be great. Because of the deep connection, soulmates and twin flames connect on a much deeper intimacy level.
Soulmate or twin flame relationships can be wonderful and deeply profound experiences. We have to remember that these people are brought into our lives to help us grow. As a result, they often challenge us in ways we would never imagine. To achieve that growth you can either learn the hard way or the easy way. You do not have to go through some very difficult and traumatic experiences unless one, or both of you resist change and growth.
We also invite you to read our article Twin Souls, Twin Flames, Soul Mates and Kindred Spirits
Originally posted on 09/29/2019 @ 9:40 pm
I really believe I will meet mine in this lifetime.
we hope you do!!