Rules for a Positive Experience with a Soulmate or Twin Flame

Rules for a Positive Experience with a Soulmate or Twin Flame

There are rules for a positive soulmate or twin flame experience. Spiritual partners should have a goal in mind. For the relationship to remain harmonious, work must to be done. Hard work. Growth is hard, and so are the challenges in a soulmate and twin … Read more

Comparing Relationships of Soulmates and Twin Flames

Comparing Relationships of Soulmates and Twin Flames

Comparing relationships of soulmates and twin flames is really not a good idea. Although there are many that speak of a collective for soulmate and twin flame relationships, that theory really does not make sense. It also sounds elitist and pretentious. We, as human beings are … Read more

Karma in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Karma in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Karma is a component of every soulmate and twin flame relationship. WHAT IS KARMA? Buddhism and Hinduism tell us a person’s actions in any given lifetime determines the quality of their next life. In other words, their actions determines if good or bad things happen … Read more

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Divine masculine and divine feminine are archetypes that exist in all spiritual relationships. This is a divine union, or sacred union, that brings about a spiritual awakening for the couple. The divine feminine and divine masculine bring with them different traits to the divine union. … Read more