Privacy in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Everyone should be allowed a certain level of privacy in their relationships.

Soulmates and twin flames deserve the same amount of privacy we give other relationships in our lives. And we must remember just because someone desires some privacy does not always mean they’re hiding something.


Most humans want some alone time. Some of our thoughts and feelings have a right to be private as well. Of course we want our soulmates and twin flames to tell us everything, but we don’t always need them to.

If your soulmate or twin flame doesn’t really love your new haircut, can’t they keep that to themselves? There’s nothing they can do about it and they still love you anyway. Since you hate it, and plan on growing it out, must they tell you how much they hate it to? No. They can keep that opinion private and it doesn’t lessen the relationship at all.

If you like to sing in the shower when you’re alone and don’t tell anyone, is that a problem? Of course not. Privacy can actually help a relationship and doesn’t have to be a red flag.

However, there are some times when the need for privacy means something else.

It could mean someone is hiding something that could get them in trouble and cause problems in your relationship. So if you have a good reason to suspect someone wants seclusion for the wrong reasons, chances are you’re right.

Privacy in Soul Mate and Twin Flame Relationships
Privacy in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Sometimes people demanding more me time need to be alone because they want to keep their drinking or drugging from you. You may have given them an ultimatum and they said they would stop. But now the urge becomes too strong and they want privacy to do it behind your back.

Soulmates and twin flames operating from a lower vibration would be more prone to seeking privacy because they’re up to no good. In cases like this the relationship is much more tumultuous, and the need for privacy should raise eyebrows.


Once the twin flame or soulmate couple progress on their spiritual journey there is very little negative behavior and drama. Soulmates or twin flames who are not operating from a higher level are more susceptible  to outside influences. This can be the cause of a lot of trouble. Your soulmate or twin flame could be talking to an ex, flirting with someone on the side or getting ready to bolt.

It all depends on the couple and their current situation. Not all soulmates or twin flames do this, but many of them do. Spiritual couples talk of an inner voice, or a feeling, that came over them that something wasn’t right. They knew deep down that their partner’s need for privacy was more than face value.

Insecurities are often a part of soulmate and twin flame relationships. But not always. Insecurities can make a soulmate or twin flame not want to give their partner any privacy. They read their emails, texts, check their phone, and check up on them.

The other soulmate or twin flame may see this as a violation and react in a negative way. If your spiritual partner has given you no good reason to be suspect, then allow them their appropriate level of privacy. Not everything has to be an open book and that’s okay.

Originally posted on 01/09/2018 @ 2:00 pm

6 thoughts on “Privacy in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships”

  1. There has to be some element of privacy, that does not mean you are doing anything shady.

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