Long Distance Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Long distance relationships for soulmates and twin flames require a lot of trust. And they will need commitment and willingness to work it out.

Long distance relationships come with a lot of unique challenges that you will both need to work through. You want to make sure you’re with the right person. And that all the work you put into your long distance twin flame or soulmate relationship will be worth it.


Many long distance relationships start out as internet dating. And that develops into romance which evolves to a soulmate or twin flame relationship.  When you meet someone online it’s crucial you have as much detailed information about them as possible.

Sadly, there are too many predators online that want you to believe they’re your soulmate or twin flame. These people will say and do all the right things, just to get you to believe they’re perfect for you. They are not. They are seeing or talking to other people. Some are even in other relationships!

Long Distance Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames
Long Distance Relationships


Perhaps you’ve been involved with someone for a long time and are forced into a long distance relationship. It may be due to college, career moves or any other reason. This can lead to stressing out that it won’t work out. But also fear they’ll break up with you.

You may wonder if they’re being honest when they say they’re faithful. You may feel insecure about what you may see on social media and wonder if they are lying to you. Trusting your soulmate or twin flame may be very difficult at times.

Play it smart. It’s reasonable to be a little insecure if a soulmate or twin flame is far away from you. You love this person more than you’ve ever loved someone before. You have a lot to lose. So being fearful makes sense.

Really take a look at what you’re feeling. Is your spiritual partner doing or saying anything that raises red flags? If the answer is no, look at yourself, rather than them. Get the insecurity and fear under control, before it gets out of control.

You may be concerned that because you aren’t there, they’re spending time with someone else. What if something happens and feelings develop? You may wonder if all this is worth it. Each individual has to decide whether or not it is worth it. Take into consideration that if both parties put in the effort, there is no reason why it can’t work out.


Quite often, people who want to cheat, choose long distance relationships because it’s easier to hide cheating and not get caught. Some married people even use long distance relationships to have an affair. They think you’ll never find out they’re married and are using you for sex.

You may think they’re being faithful to you. But the truth is they’re not. Think about it. If someone is looking for a long-term relationship why would they pick someone so far away? Especially if they don’t plan to move closer anytime soon. That doesn’t sound like someone really searching for a serious relationship. It sounds more like a person who wants their freedom and wants to keep a part of their life private.

A soulmate or twin flame does not always live nearby. So sometimes we have to just do the best we can. But it’s better to be in a long distance relationship with a soulmate or twin flame than it is to be in a dead-end relationship with someone who lives in your town.  Love and relationships are hard enough without adding geographical distance. But they can work out wonderfully.




Originally posted on 11/13/2012 @ 1:08 pm

4 thoughts on “Long Distance Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames”

  1. Hello… I want to share a bit of my story with a man I think he could be my partner soulmate, but I am not sure.. I hope that maybe I can get your opinion on this.
    So I met this beautiful man on a dating app in July and we connected from the start, it was a feeling of genuine connection and new to both of us. He is from the same country as I, but he now lives in Denmark for 7y ago, when he moved there with his ex. He said they separated last year and the last 4 years of their relationship were with break-up and make-up a for a few times, and they really tried their best to make it work but in the end they split up. So we constantly talked a lot EVERY DAY until late in the night for hours (writing, on the phone, pictures and videos) and shared vulnerable and deep stuff about ourselves, just matching each other like pieces in a puzzle and we kept it like this for a month.
    The plan was for him to fly in our country and stay with me for a few days to see if our connection is truly genuine and if we really match, and if not, we would shake hands and thank each other for the experience.
    He bought plane tickets and showed them to me, but in the last 2 weeks of our online connection, I felt he started to pull away; the conversations weren’t that long anymore, his interest in me was fading and he manifested insecurity in me being a real match for him. He put this behavior on the back of some superficial excuses when I started to confront him and telling him what I was noticing, but I didn’t get much from him, just normal excuses. And this withdrawal from his side I felt it for 2 weeks prior to his flying here.
    With 2 days before the flight he finally got the courage to tell me that he recently met someone else and his plans changed, that he didn’t want me in his life and I just appeared, and that he doesn’t want to keep pushing something with me without knowing the outcome, and that our connection was genuine but he decided to not go forward. Just like that, he dropped the bomb. I freaked out; not because he told me he met someone else, but because this was totally unexpected and a 360 degrees change from his side and because the explanation he gave me for his decision didn’t make any sense to me, since we have already previously discussed that if we meet and we hit it off in real, we would try for a real relationship even if in the beginning it involves distance until we decide if he would move back to our country, or I would move to where he lives; or if we didn’t hit it off, we would’ve remained friends. We had it all discussed, and suddenly he gets scared and says he met someone else.
    So we decided to stop talking, I asked him to block me on social media so I can have my time to process this and move on, he blocked me, I blocked him, and we stayed blocked for 2 weeks.
    In the meantime I had him unblocked after a few days and then I was checking almost every day to see if he also unblocked me. So after 2 weeks he did unblock me also. After 1 or 2 days of him unblocking me, I wrote to him that it’s nice to see that he unblocked me, and that I hope he is doing alright and to forgive me for the last things I told him, and that we’re good. And he surprisingly responded to me that It’s OK, regardless of what has been, and he asked me how I am doing. I replied that I am alright and asked him how is he doing. And this is the most recent thing that happened between us, and where the conversation is currently.
    So my inner fight is, if he really is the right partner for me, that I waited for all my life, as i feel it in my heart, or this was just a lesson and this wasn’t genuine, and I should move on with my life? For me it’s hard to believe that what I feel about him is real because we haven’t gotten the chance to meet in person, and I still feel the same about him. And I don’t feel like chasing him, and instead just take things as they come in my life, and I don’t want to force anything with him, because nothing was forced between us from the start. I feel like I can live without him if I would never meet him, but in the same time I feel that it will always be a void in my life if I will never meet him, and that I might never find someone like him again. Because he was really genuine and unique, and our connection flowed naturally and unexpected for both of us. If he is my lasting soulmate, and I am his, will our connection naturally restart and we will meet, or what should I do now with my life? To accept the idea that he’s gone and I might never meet him, or to keep hoping and waiting for him in my heart, for as long as she feels to keep him inside of her? It’s so hard for me regarding this soul connection I had with this person.
    Thank you for reading it all.

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