Will My Soulmate or Twin Flame Forget Me if I Don’t Contact Them?

Will My Soulmate or Twin Flame Forget Me if I Don't Contact Them?

Will my soulmate or twin flame forget me if I don’t contact them? The simple answer to that question is no, they won’t. Just like you did not forget your twin flame or soulmate, they can’t forget you. The fear of being forgotten by a … Read more

Mixed Messages From Your Soulmate or Twin Flame

Mixed Messages From Your Soulmate or Twin Flame

Do you get mixed messages from your soulmate or twin flame? Is the person in your life saying one thing and then saying the exact opposite? Do they do one thing and say another? Does your soulmate or twin flame fail to verbally express they … Read more

Has Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Hurt Your Feelings?

Has Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Hurt Your Feelings?

Has your soulmate or twin flame hurt your feelings? If so it can come as a shock. Any emotional pain that comes with it is extremely difficult to deal with. You may believe your soulmate or twin flame would be the last person on earth … Read more

Long Distance Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Long Distance Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Long distance relationships for soulmates and twin flames require a lot of trust. And they will need commitment and willingness to work it out. Long distance relationships come with a lot of unique challenges that you will both need to work through. You want to … Read more

Feeling Neglected in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Feeling Neglected in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Are you feeling neglected by your soulmate or twin flame? Do you often feel lonely although you’re in spiritual union? Are your emotional or physical needs being neglected by your spiritual counterpart? Is it possible to turn things around and back onto a positive path? … Read more

Telepathy Between Soulmates and Twin Flames

Telepathy Between Soulmates and Twin Flames

Telepathy can be a common part of a soulmate or twin flame connection. Discovering this connection can be a very exciting aspect of your relationship. Many of us experience telepathy with a loved one or special friend. We have them on our mind, and then … Read more