Is Your Soulmate or Twin Flame in a Bad Relationship?

Is your soulmate or twin flame in a bad relationship?

Have you met your spiritual partner only to discover they’re already involved with someone else?

It can be wonderful thing when you first meet your spiritual counterpart. You both flow with that instant connection. Your feelings for each other are intense and immeasurable. You’re on top of the world! Then you discover they’re already in a relationship. And it is a bad one.


You think to yourself how this happened in close to perfect timing. Your soulmate or twin flame is in a bad relationship, and doesn’t know how to get out of it. Or they may just stay for a variety of ridiculous reasons. Now they have to deal with the intense connection between you. They now have many reasons to leave that situation. But will they and do they?

Surprisingly, even when someone encounters their soulmate or twin flame, they don’t always get out of their previous relationship. Sometimes they do get out of it, but it can take many months, and even years. So why is your soulmate or twin flame staying in a relationship that does not make them happy, especially after they find you?

This can be a question that continues to haunt you because it just doesn’t make any sense to you.

Is Your Soulmate or Twin Flame in a Bad Relationship?
Is Your Soulmate or Twin Flame in a Bad Relationship?

In many cases, they’re used to their bad relationship and deal with it in their own way. They may not have any real plan to get out of it either. But then a soulmate or twin flame comes into the picture. Instead of ending their relationship to be with them, they often juggle both of them.

When someone meets a soulmate or twin flame, they can become blindly focused on that person. All they can think of is talking to them, being with them, etc. Their focus isn’t on their dysfunctional relationship, where it needs to be. It’s on their soulmate or twin flame.

So quite often a soulmate or twin flame relationship begins before the other one ends. Now the soulmate or twin flame is much happier than they were before meeting you. Unfortunately this can make them less inclined to get out of their bad situation. Many of the reasons they have for staying in the bad relationship are still there, only now they feel much, much better, because they met you.

So where is the sense of urgency?

For those people, it isn’t there at all. Some soulmates and twin flames meet and immediately end their other relationships, or shortly thereafter. But an alarming amount of people don’t. When you’re waiting for a soulmate or twin flame to end a bad relationship, it will take what seems to you like an eternity.

Sometimes you have to pull back on your soulmate or twin flame relationship to remind them of how awful their bad relationship is. Distance may be the answer. So it you’ve already tried everything else, try distance. It may feel like a scary thing to do, but it shouldn’t be.

What should scare you is you’re taking a sacred relationship and turning it into a bad relationship by engaging in an affair that comes with lying and cheating. The arguing, hurt feelings, and imbalance of power create bad dynamics between the two you. Don’t let your soulmates or twin flame’s bad relationship ruin the one between the two of you.


Originally posted on 03/22/2017 @ 9:12 pm

5 thoughts on “Is Your Soulmate or Twin Flame in a Bad Relationship?”

  1. My soul mate now has 4 kids with another man, still married to him but it’s not terrible, we met when we were 11 or 12 and we still talk as if we are so close Everytime we see each other, the only women I’ll ever drop everything for even now after 30yrs and 3,000 miles away

  2. I lived this. I couldn’t believe she’d stay with one foot in the other crappy relationship, after knowing her feelings for me, and that I am her soulmate. She had zero urgency to leave because I kept her happy. I felt betrayed because we had been sent a gift in each other, and she was messing with it. After taking too long, I had to walk away completely, with zero contact, and it was the deepest pain I’ve ever felt in my life, detaching from her. But that was my lesson,(one of them) to not accept being treated badly, especially from her BECAUSE she is my soulmate. She left me no choice. I wasn’t going to let the garbage from her other very worn out relationship contaminate us (it was starting too), and I was not going to remain in a powerless box either, or be put on hold any longer. Because detaching was so hard, I don’t think I could have done it without Sophia/Sarah’s help. But if I couldn’t do my part, how was she going to do hers?

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