Doing Your Part in Your Soulmate or Twin Flame Relationship

Are you doing your part in your soulmate or twin flame relationship?

In order for a spiritual partnership to work, both you must do your part.

It can’t be just one doing everything. This will make one the giver and the other the taker. No one can keep a relationship together all by themselves, especially a spiritual one.


If your relationship is important to you, don’t wait until it is too late. For some reason, control seems to be an issue with soulmates and twin flames. It’s frustrating when your partner isn’t learning their lessons and creating problems in the relationship. But you can’t learn their lessons for them. You also can’t enable them or get in the way of learning their lessons.

You can try, but all you’re going to do is contribute to your relationship going quickly downhill. Make sure you’re doing your part but let your partner do theirs, regardless of how tough it seems to do that. A spiritual relationship is built and strengthened by two people doing their part. It becomes much weaker when one does it all. This throws the relationship out of balance.


So what exactly is your part in a spiritual partnership? Since each couple’s soul path and lessons are unique, the answer varies. Stop focusing on how your partner needs to grow or what they need to learn. Look at yourself and get to work on what you need to personally and spiritually evolve.

Above all there should be a sense of equality and balance in the relationship, even in the sense of trade-offs. One of you may be the financial provider, while the other maintains the home and children, attends school, or is starting a business of their own. Each of you should respect the other’s part in the relationship. Each of you have a right to expect your partner to value what you do.

Doing Your Part in Your Soulmate or Twin Flame Relationship
Doing Your Part in Your Soulmate or Twin Flame Relationship

You don’t have to be joined at the hip. Nor do you have to enjoy each other’s hobbies and interests. You can do your part to support them by letting them do what they enjoy. You can support them pursuing their individual goals. Each person can find their part in the spiritual union to make the relationship run smoothly.


What each member of a spiritual connection must do is respect one another and the relationship. They must also respect themselves. Having a soulmate or twin flame doesn’t give you an excuse to disrespect them, yourself, or the spiritual bond.

The standards should be higher, not lower. It’s not your job, or your partner’s, to clean up all the messes and be the bigger person all the time. This is what creates a dysfunctional relationship and one that is not following a spiritual path.

It’s up to both of you to keep the relationship on a spiritual track. If they veer off track, let them go alone. Don’t follow them down the wrong path thinking you can drag them back. That doesn’t work. All it does it get you both even further from your course.

Sometimes you may have to stand your ground, use tough love, and enforce reasonable boundaries. The universe created the connection between the two of you, but both of you play a part in what kind of relationship you create.

Each member of the couple has to put up with each other’s idiosyncrasies, because no one is perfect. However, it’s not your part in a relationship to put up with it when they go overboard. Each soulmate or twin flame plays a role in the dynamics of the relationship.

So it’s not up to one person to be the peacemaker. It’s not always one person’s job to apologize, regardless of who is wrong. You have been given a gift and both of you should honor that gift by treating it with value.

Soulmate and twin flame relationships are tough at times. If you’re each willing to do your part, chances are the relationship you create down the line will be worth the effort you put into it.

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