Forgiving Your Soulmate or Twin Flame

Forgiving your soulmate or twin flame isn’t always easy.


Contrary to popular belief, soulmates and twin flames can do some pretty hurtful things to one another. It would be wonderful to think soulmates and twin flames are perfect couples who never fight. And that they’re destined to be together, but that unfortunately, is just a myth.

Soulmate and twin flame relationships can be very challenging on many levels. Soulmates and twin flames have lessons to learn, coupled with personal and spiritual growth. Unfortunately this often comes through painful situations and experiences.

We see many soulmates and twin flames test their connection to see how much they can get away with. When you’re always the one forgiving your spiritual partner,  and they’re the one always screwing up, it may be time to take a harder stance.


Of course you don’t want to let your soulmate or twin flame go. But do you really want to keep them around while they keep destroying what you are trying so hard to build?

Sometimes soulmates and twin flames meet at what seems to be the wrong time. For whatever reason, they may have to separate in order to come back stronger. Resisting that separation can prolong the inevitable and do a lot of damage to the relationship.

Forgiving Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame: Do You Do It Too Much?
Forgiving Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame: Do You Do It Too Much?

Just because you let a soulmate or twin flame go, doesn’t mean you let them go forever. Taking a break to calm things down, or to change bad behavior, can have very positive results in the end.

You don’t have to be their  teacher, learn their lessons for them or excuse and be forgiving of every mistake they make along the way. Actually interfering in their lessons and growth can backfire. It’s not your job to learn their lessons. It is theirs. Leave those to them.


When your soulmate or twin flame is asking for forgiveness, and they really mean it, their actions going forward will support it. They won’t just tell you they are sorry, they’ll show you they’re sorry. That will make you feel as though forgiving them is the right thing to do.

It’s when you have to keep forgiving them over and over again, because they say they say they’re sorry, but they really aren’t. It’s hurtful to think they won’t change for you or that they don’t love you enough to change. You don’t want to think they hurt you on purpose, but what else can you think?

You tell them over and over again how upset you get when they do or say something that hurts your feelings. And you show them how painful this is to you. They apologize, so you take the high road, and forgive them. But then they hurt you even worse by doing it again.

Now you feel stupid for forgiving them.

Maybe it’s time to change tactics. Perhaps you shouldn’t forgive your soulmate or twin flame so easily. Maybe next time might be the time to not forgive them when they screw up again. It might be in your best interest to make them earn it this time, instead of giving in so easily. It’s time your actions back up your words.

11 thoughts on “Forgiving Your Soulmate or Twin Flame”

  1. As time has passed, it has been easier to forgive. I guess I just needed distance from it.

  2. It’s been hard for me to forgive the drama my soulmate caused. I understand, to a certain degree, the fears and issues they have/had. However, they made bad choices and behaved horribly, and they didn’t have to. There were proper ways to deal with it instead of making things worse and hurting me for no reason.

    • yes there are better ways to deal with whatever’s happening between you… for now though give this some space…

  3. I will never forgive what he did to me. He was a self centered dickhole. He so left me homeless. My son had to help me find a place to live. You can know someone is a soul mate, but stop trying to say you have to forgive what they’ve done. That’s ridiculous. You can be so hurt and mad, it doesn’t mean your not an evolved person. Hate, be vengeful, its a human experience to have those feelings! But move on even if it takes a lifetime.

    • WOW we are so sorry this happened to you, it’s disgusting and unforgiveable

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