Creating Healthy Relationship Boundaries for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Creating healthy relationship boundaries and enforcing them is crucial for any relationship.

This is even more so when you’re in a soulmate or twin flame relationship. Without creating and enforcing relationship boundaries things can easily become chaotic and dysfunctional.


It would be great to live in a world where folks respect healthy relationship boundaries instead of testing them. But we don’t. Creating relationship boundaries is one of the most important things to do at the beginning of a relationship. But in many cases, people let things slide in soulmate or twin flame relationships. Once someone tests a boundary, and their partner fails to enforce it, the boundary ceases to exist.

For instance, if you want a relationship where you’re shown respect, you must create that boundary from the start. The first time someone disrespects you, you need to enforce that boundary.

Failure to do so creates another dynamic in your relationship. The dynamic now is that you can be disrespected. So expect it to happen again and again. Broken boundaries are almost always a red flag pointing out a lesson for a couple in a spiritual relationship. Sadly, most couples fail the first time.


What are some of the top relationship boundaries necessary for healthy, happy soulmate and twin flame relationships?

1. Respecting Monogamy

If you have made a commitment to be monogamous, and monogamy is important to you, cheating of any kind is a deal breaker. A smart move of course would be to not start a relationship with someone who’s already given someone else a commitment. Should that boundary be crossed you need to be prepared to enforce it. Otherwise infidelity will very likely plague your relationship going forward.

2. Intolerance of any Type of Abuse

Verbal, mental, emotional of physical abuse will not be tolerated. Don’t make excuses for it and don’t let them make excuse for it. Everyone makes mistakes. But a bad mood or argument is no excuse for taking things to the extreme of abuse.

This boundary you should create for yourself, and any relationship that is abusive, is a relationship you need to get out of immediately. This includes friends, family, and co-workers, not just soulmates and/or twin flames.

3. Create a Time Boundary

When dating, create a ‘time’ boundary of how long you will wait for your spiritual partner to enter into a relationship with you or move to the next level. Dating is a great way of getting to know someone to see if they’re a wise relationship choice.

It shouldn’t take someone more than three months of dating to decide that. Anyone not giving you a chance at a relationship, after dating for more than 3 months, is another red flag. You shouldn’t give them a chance to waste any more of your time.

And they need to let go of whatever fear they have of taking your relationship further down your spiritual path. The same thing goes with relationships evolving. Marriage may be important to you but after many years you can’t even discuss engagement with your spiritual partner. Create a healthy relationship boundary for how long you will wait for the next level. And be prepared to enforce that boundary if need be.

4. Leaving Past Relationships in the Past

Past relationships need to be kept in the past or at a respectful distance. This goes for both of you. Just because you put up with bullshit from your ex, don’t expect or demand your current partner put up with it as well.

An ex shouldn’t be calling you to chat about their problems, interfere in your life or ask you for favors. They can phone a friend or family member. That is no longer your job to be there for them. Your job is to be there for your spiritual partner.

5. Keeping Finances on the Up and Up

Any financial loans, joint purchases, etc should all be done legally and officially. If you can’t afford a lawyer to draw up papers then look them up online or go to an office supply store. Fill the documents out, go to any notary and sign them, one copy for each of you.

It may not be romantic, but finances aren’t romantic. It’s about money. Anyone that gives you a hard time about signing documents doesn’t deserve your money anyway. Don’t feel guilty about protecting yourself. Your soulmate or twin flame may need to learn how to be more financially responsible. And here is a great way to do it. Don’t enable them by just giving them money or paying their bills all the time for them.

Creating Healthy Relationship Boundaries
Creating Healthy Relationship Boundaries

6. Respecting Each Other’s Privacy

Of course a couple should have nothing to hide, but that doesn’t give you the right to snoop. If you are very suspicious of something, fine, snoop. But if you don’t find something, knock it off. We are all entitled to have some private thoughts and feelings, and we need to respect that in one another. If there is trust in a relationship, then you don’t need to read your mate’s personal emails to his best friends or children, do you?

7. Spending Quality Time Together

Time spent together as a spiritually connected couple must be a priority. You shouldn’t have to spend every minute of every day with someone to be in a relationship. However, if your partner keeps putting off spending time with you because they’re busy, you need to set a boundary of the minimum of time you’re willing to accept.

Set this boundary in the early stages of a relationship. If the boundary keeps getting crossed, you chose someone who clearly doesn’t have enough time for a relationship with you. Enforce the boundary by not waiting around for them.

8. Communicating Like Healthy Adults

Communication boundaries also must be set. You can’t conduct an adult relationship via texting. Cut the crap and stick with phone calls like healthy adults.

You should have a reasonable expectation of hearing from someone and not have them drop off the face off the earth with days, weeks or months at a time. You should be able to express yourself freely without fear, and you should expect feedback as well. If the communication does not improve, or doesn’t rise to a respectful level, then it’s time to enforce the boundary.

9. Trust and Truth

For trust to exist in a relationship, truth must be present. Being lied to shouldn’t be tolerated. Constantly being lied to is a deal breaker. It’s time to deal with that boundary or you can expect more lying in the future. And it will get to the point where you won’t believe a single word they have to say.

10. Booty Calls

Sex without a relationship is just sex. If you want more, then set a boundary of no more sex until you’re in a relationship. Be prepared to stand your ground no matter how difficult this is for you.


Do you need assistance setting healthy relationship boundaries? Have your relationship boundaries been violated and you don’t know what to do? Sarah and Sophia can guide you on setting healthy relationship boundaries and give necessary guidance to help get your relationships on track.

Originally posted on 12/12/2020 @ 1:03 am

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