Comparing Relationships of Soulmates and Twin Flames

Comparing Relationships of Soulmates and Twin Flames

Comparing relationships of soulmates and twin flames is really not a good idea. Although there are many that speak of a collective for soulmate and twin flame relationships, that theory really does not make sense. It also sounds elitist and pretentious. We, as human beings are … Read more

Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationship Myths: What do You Believe?

Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationship Myths: What do You Believe?

There are a tremendous amount of soulmate and twin flame relationship myths floating around on the internet. Thanks to television, books and movies many folks have completely unrealistic expectations when it comes to these relationships. It’s time to put the relationship myths to rest and … Read more

Taking a Time-Out from Your Soulmate or Twin Flame

Taking a Time-Out from Your Soulmate or Twin Flame

Taking a time-out from a twin flame or soulmate is a great way to push a reset button on your relationship. Perhaps your twin flame or soulmate (choose your own label) relationship has gotten way out of control. You may be fighting about the same … Read more

Love and Fear: Which Do You Have In Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Relationship?

Love and Fear: Which Do You Have In Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Relationship?

Love and fear can go hand in hand in a soulmate or twin flame relationship. The deep spiritual connection causes heightened emotions. So what starts out as pure love often turns to fear. The fear of losing a soulmate or twin flame can start out … Read more

Toxic Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames?

Toxic Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames?

Toxic relationships for soulmates and twin flames do exist. Soulmates and twin flames are not exempt from having toxic relationships just because they share a spiritual connection. This is primarily because a spiritual connection between two people doesn’t guarantee they’ll both remain on a spiritual … Read more

Is Your Twin Flame Or Soulmate Emotionally Unavailable?

Is Your Twin flame Or Soulmate Emotionally Unavailable?

Are you in love with your twin flame or soulmate but they’re emotionally unavailable? It is heartbreaking when the one you love can’t, or doesn’t, feel the same way about you. It’s terrible when someone can’t give you what you need. How can you tell … Read more