Has Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Hurt Your Feelings?

Has your soulmate or twin flame hurt your feelings? If so it can come as a shock. Any emotional pain that comes with it is extremely difficult to deal with.

You may believe your soulmate or twin flame would be the last person on earth who would hurt you. But they do.

So it’s not at all uncommon for soulmates or twin flames to hurt each other. Especially when the time comes for one, or both of them, to make the necessary changes.


For instance, let’s say a couple meets when they’re both in other relationships. And instead of waiting to begin a relationship until they’re both single, they start an affair. They both know that at some point the issue of terminating their previous relationship is going to come up. But they’re not really thinking about that right now.

They want the payoff first, before they do the work. So they focus on the romance and how happy it’s making them. But it only lasts so long until they must address their other relationships.

When soulmates or twin flames can’t talk to one another as much as they want, and want the freedom to see one another when they want, struggles, arguments and frustrations come into play. One soulmate or twin flame may start the process of ending the relationship because they feel the other is betraying them by making excuses. They fail to take responsibility for their actions.

So when that person becomes single, they expect their spiritual partner to follow suit. But without a kick in the behind, they often don’t. The simple fact that a soulmate or twin flame won’t leave their relationship to be with you, especially when you have done it for them, causes emotional instability.

Has Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Hurt Your Feelings?
Has Your Spiritual Partner Hurt Your Feelings?

When you’re sharing your soulmate or twin flame with someone they don’t claim to love, you may feel like the second option. So the longer it takes for them to get out of their relationship, the longer a soulmate or twin flame constantly gets their feelings hurt.


You may be very compassionate regarding your partner’s situation. But now you feel your being taken for granted because they don’t feel compassionate towards you.

Why doesn’t your soulmate or twin flame understand, or seem to care, you’re experiencing an emotional roller coaster? Why can’t they do whatever it takes to stop hurting your feelings?

If you put your feelings last and their feelings first, it’s a safe bet they will put theirs first and yours last. They’re just copying you. So until you put your own feelings first, they won’t either.

Start by looking at all you give your spiritual partner. Have you gone a bit overboard? Soulmates and twin flames have a tendency to do so. Are you giving 100% while they’re giving only about 40%? Well why are you still giving 100%? Because that is just how you are? Because you love them? Regardless of the excuse you’re using, what you’re doing is wrong.

You helped create a situation where you’re giving too much and they’re giving too little. Stop giving so much, so they can pick up the slack. If you don’t want them to take you for granted, pulling back is the best way to show them they’re taking you for granted. Showing them there are real consequences to their own happiness is a great lesson to teach someone when they hurt your feelings.

Has your soulmate or twin flame hurt your feelings? How did you handle it? Please share  your experiences with other readers of this article if you’re so inclined.

Originally posted on 08/06/2018 @ 9:47 pm

9 thoughts on “Has Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Hurt Your Feelings?”

  1. My soulmate just left, your comments have helped tremendously. She and I had dated for about 6 months 7 years ago. It ended on a small disagreement, nothing that couldn’t have been resolved, she just ghosted me. In September she contacted me out of the blue and we hit the ground running, first few months were great, then the number texts fell off and her schedule got worse. I was determined to be less of a chaser and we struggled through. Then the company she was with had a surprise going away party, to lure the honoree to the party she told him I had stopped by and she wanted to introduce us. Well he went for that because I had not been introduced to anyone. She thought it was funny, in fact very funny because everyone was making toasts to me at the party. She said she was uncomfortable because she wasn’t paying. I sucked it up and laughed at her story but was truely hurt. Do you think she really thought that was funny or used it to gain an advantage in the giving taking percentages? I wasn,t perfect but always apologetic, not so for her. Lastly this may seem to put her in a bad light but I felt something different in her and I saw through it, she had a hard knocking down her wall. ugh

    • THis is a very hurtful thing that she did and sadly I do think it was funny to HER. Clearly she has issues that she needs to resolve.

    • Keep the faith Mandy – have faith in the cosmic power that brought you together to begin with

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