Dwelling on a Soulmate or Twin Flame is not Productive

Dwelling on a Soulmate or Twin Flame is not Productive

Dwelling on a soulmate or twin flame can be a double-edged sword. If things are great between the two of you, then dwelling on your partner fills you with positive thoughts and emotions. However, if things between you have hit a snag, dwelling on your … Read more

Can You Get Over the Pain of Losing a Soulmate Or Twin Flame?

Can You Get Over the Pain of Losing a Soul Mate Or Twin Flame?

It will take effort to get over the pain of losing a soulmate or twin flame. It can be a very painful experience. As your soulmate or twin flame relationship began, you felt so much love, joy and happiness. But this will now be offset … Read more

Love and Fear: Which Do You Have In Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Relationship?

Love and Fear: Which Do You Have In Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame Relationship?

Love and fear can go hand in hand in a soulmate or twin flame relationship. The deep spiritual connection causes heightened emotions. So what starts out as pure love often turns to fear. The fear of losing a soulmate or twin flame can start out … Read more

Abandonment Issues in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Abandonment Issues in Soulmate and Twin Flame Relationships

Abandonment issues are common in soulmate and twin flame relationships. This is because emotions, as well as fears, run higher than in mundane relationships. Almost every emotion felt in a spiritual partnership goes to the extreme. When soulmates and twin flames love, they love deeply … Read more

Do You Fear Losing Your Soulmate Or Twin Flame?

Do You Fear Losing Your Soul Mate Or Twin Flame?

Do you fear losing your soulmate or twin flame? Many people fear they will never find a soulmate or twin flame in their lifetime. But when they actually meet, they fear losing their newly found soul connection. It’s fairly easy to understand why they fear … Read more

Will My Soulmate or Twin Flame Forget Me if I Don’t Contact Them?

Will My Soulmate or Twin Flame Forget Me if I Don't Contact Them?

Will my soulmate or twin flame forget me if I don’t contact them? The simple answer to that question is no, they won’t. Just like you did not forget your twin flame or soulmate, they can’t forget you. The fear of being forgotten by a … Read more