Dysfunctional Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames

Many people believe they must endure dysfunctional relationships because someone is their soulmate or twin flame.

Others believe massive obstacles must be overcome with any soulmate or twin flame relationship. And that some of them will be quite challenging.

But if you find that you’re constantly compromising your own personal happiness by staying in a soulmate or twin flame relationship that leaves you feeling miserable, unloved and unappreciated, it might be time to recognize the relationship has become unstable.

Take a good, honest look at what you believe to be your spiritual partnership. Are you happy in this relationship? Were you happy in the beginning but can’t seem to find that happiness anymore? Does you soulmate or twin flame treat you unfairly, unkindly or unjustly? Do you tolerate behaviors that you swore you never would?

Well unfortunately your relationship has become dysfunctional.

You’re in a spiritual partnership. So why are both of you (yes both of you) not following your spiritual path? If you truly were, the relationship would begin to change for the better.

Fighting to keep your soulmate or twin flame relationship going is like beating your head against the wall. Until you recognize that your relationship is dysfunctional you can’t begin to change it. Otherwise you will feel as though you’re losing your mind. As a matter of fact you might as well just drop a bowling ball on your head and deal with the pain all at once.

Relationships take proper commitment, compromise and communication. If you’re the only one contributing the three “Cs” the relationship will fail. It takes two. One cannot do it all by themselves. A soulmate or twin flame relationship often becomes dysfunctional because only one person is doing all the work.


You may hope your dysfunctional relationship will fix itself. It won’t. It’s success depends on the work you both put into it. No amount of time, love, having kids or buying a new home will fix a dysfunctional relationship. It will not get back to where it was in the beginning no matter how much you pray or how many candles you light. Sure, we believe in divine intervention but most of the time. But this time, you will have to intervene yourself.

Not all dysfunctional relationships need to stay broken. The good news is that some of them can be fixed.

The first step is to recognize there’s a problem. How can you tell? When your relationship has gotten way out of control, with no boundaries, no mutual respect for each other or for the relationship itself, it’s a dysfunctional relationship. If your relationship is making you miserable, it is time to accept that it’s dysfunctional.

On the other hand, not all dysfunctional relationships can be saved, no matter how much you love or desire someone. It will take work. And not just yours. It’s work that you both will have to commit to work on together. He or she has to be willing to step up to the plate as well and contribute to fixing things.

If you catch the dysfunction early enough you can bring it back into balance. If too much damage has been done in during ‘hoping things will change’ time, chances are you will not be able to bring this back from the brink of failure.

Dysfunctional Relationships for Soul Mates and Twin Flames
Dysfunctional Relationships for Soul Mates and Twin Flames

So what are some changes you can make to repair your relationship?

  • Stop fighting ~ You know how to push each other’s buttons. Replace fighting with peaceful discussion or conversation. If you are calm but your soul mate want to fight, remove yourself from the situation until they calm down and able to speak like a normal person. Get counseling if they are willing, as this will help create better communication skills.
  • Stop letting resentments build ~ Forgive the past so you can create a better future together.
  • Stop waiting for change to happen ~ Take control and begin to create change in the your relationship. Take control of what YOU can. Your relationship is really not dependent upon what your partner says, does or thinks.
  • Take the high road ~ Stop stooping to behaviors that lower your dignity just to save the relationship. If you do or say anything that is beneath you, it compromises your integrity and makes you feel used.
  • Let go, if you know it will never change ~ Find the right relationship that you want and deserve. If a relationship is so dysfunctional, never been healthy or brought you joy, it might be time to pack it in. Not all relationships are salvageable. Don’t wait for it to get worse.

You can’t stay in a relationship that is joyless just to wait and see if it will magically change down the road. The road itself is what is predicting your path. If the road is getting rockier you need to do something to get your on your right path.

Originally posted on 06/16/2018 @ 8:00 pm

25 thoughts on “Dysfunctional Relationships for Soulmates and Twin Flames”

  1. I would love your advice.

    I travelled to Perth Australia. I live in Qld. It was a workshop. The man came up to me and stood 5 inches away from my face. He stared intently into my eyes. I stood mesmerised. Firstly I ft a Lightening bolt hit me followed by a bright white light spreading from my lover region all the way to my head. The room was full of people but I felt like we were floating in the heavens. He told me I like you very very much, I like you a lot, you’re gold. You are an old soul. I fell in love with him and had physical urges towards him.

    I got back to Qld, and wrote to him and told him how I feel and asked how he feels. He told me he prefers to stay single, which is a contradiction to what happened between us.
    I am confused.

    Thank you. Sonia Preston

    • We are unable to give personal advice here in the comments section… but you’re welcome to call for a private reading.

  2. Your websites have really helped me navigate my twin flame journey. I have sent many of your article to my twin and some of my friends!

    • FANTASTIC!! We are so happy it is helping you and hope it helps your friends!

  3. I can see how people can confuse a dysfunctional relationship with a soulmate or twinflame with all the nonsense written on the web. Thanks for keeping it real.

  4. I only think the person I am with is my twinflame because they feel like another version of me and I love her not based on admiration or experience. I just do. In fact being with her has shown me that most people don’t love each other, only care about their presence in their lives, but love is much more. I feel like the only thing hindering our comunication is understanding but it is infinite in its capacity. I can infinitely communicate with her. I feel that. Is that a soulmate because I honestly don’t think so. I feel I have a soulmate relationship with my mom. She’s so connected to me energetically even more so at ti es than my girlfriend. But it a different kind of connection. It is a connection in love, not in its essence. Mariela, my girlfriend is a a connection that just is. It just feels like it’s infinite. With my mom there is a certain sentimentality that it is not infinite. It is vast, but it can eventually end. Eventually she is someone else, a slightly different vibration although it’s potency is not less than Mariela, just different

    • this is wonderful!!! we are so happy for you and thank you for sharing your story.

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