Soulmates and twin flames, like the rest of us, can have the tendency to overreact.
Soulmates and twin flames can easily feel out of control over their emotions. It can be a piece of cake for them to overreact to any little thing.
Some soulmates and twin flames overreact due to fear. When you love someone so very much you’re naturally afraid of losing them. Note we said naturally. When you’re obsessed with the fear of losing your soulmate or twin flame chances are you will overreact to any little thing.
For instance, if your soulmate or twin flame is being friendly with the waitress and your fear kicks in, you may blurt out something nasty without even thinking. Now your partner is mad at you because you were nasty and they didn’t do anything to deserve it. Your overreaction will cause problems with your relationship, not solve any. You didn’t get a grip on your fear, and instead you mouthed off and picked a fight. How does that help your fear? It doesn’t, it only makes it grow.
Your soulmate or twin flame may be the one who always overreacts. You may find yourself on the defense for any and every little thing. You may wonder if they actually enjoy fighting with you or picking fights on purpose. Perhaps your soulmate or twin flame is overreacting to sabotage the relationship.

They may even be doing it without really knowing it. If your soulmate or twin flame freaks out about their feelings towards you, their overreaction may or may not be their fault. They may need some time to accept your connection and the feelings that come with it. If they fight to control it, it can just make things even more out of control.
In some circumstances soulmates or twin flames overreact as a way to get out of the relationship. Many clients contact us after their spiritual relationship ends. The excuse or reason their soulmate or twin flame uses is often an overreaction to something minor. They’re simply not ready to deal with the intense connection, so they run from it. Y
It’s shocking actually how many soulmate and twin flame relationships end because one overreacts. Not only do they have to get their feelings of love under control, they have to get all their feelings under control. These feelings will include anger, fear and jealousy. Your soulmate or twin flame needs to deal with his or her emotions more honestly and openly. Not just with you, but with themselves.
Just because someone is your soulmate or twin flame doesn’t mean you have to accept their overreaction. Quite the opposite. You soulmate or twin flame needs to make changes for the better, rather than you lowering your standard of acceptable behavior. They are not perfect relationships.
It could be that you have a soulmate or twin flame who has a bad temper and needs to get it under control. You are both adults, and neither one of you has the right to bring childish temper tantrums to the table. Do not allow them to overreact and scream, yell, and call you names. You cannot allow them to throw things, break things, or get physical with you.
That is abuse and should not be tolerated. It is not overreacting to end any relationship, or take a break from the relationship while they get help, because of abuse.
Originally posted on 09/08/2015 @ 5:56 pm
Boy mine sure does at every little thing!
They are such a drama queen. This article was helpful.
Yes, all the time!